Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animator / Animation TD

Thursday, February 15, 2007

"When one door closes, another window opens"

Well, its been about a month since the Big Layoff of 2007. It's true, the Big Layoff of '07 wasn't nearly as large as the Giant Layoff of '06, but maybe the impact of being layed off is only as large as the space you grant it. Maybe the influence of such an event pales in comparison to the influence and privledge of being able to work with so many talented and caring people, and to be able to take that memory with you wherever you go. It may be sappy, but might it also be true?


  • At 5:33 PM, Blogger amila said…

    *sigh* Why can't this industry offer more stability?:( I'm so sorry to hear about the layoffs. That sucks! Patrik and I are also in the market to start looking for work again as our contracts here end next month. Contract work is only slightly better than a layoff because you know when you'll be leaving...but it's still lame. The only saving grace is the knowledge that you'll probrably end up working with all those people you cared about again as we all cycle from one studio to another. Here's to hoping for a great job and a more stable future!

  • At 4:06 PM, Blogger taniamc said…

    Couldn't have said it better, Amila. I'm sorry to hear that you and Patrik are approaching a similar situation... I wish you both the best in your job search!


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