Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animator / Animation TD

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Birthday Art

Yeah, okay, my birthday isn't for a couple more weeks. But, this weekend was the Main Street Art Festival and it is bound to happen that you see something you just don't want to go home without. This is, undoubtedly, one of my favorite times of the year. It seems like every weekend there is an art fair going on; and, lucky me, I'm just a hop and a skip away.

This year it all started in Fort Worth, and it was a great show. We saw a lot of great artists, and one of them was Jay Long. We walked the entire show and all I wanted to do was go back and look at more of his prints. My parents were kind enough to buy my favorite for my birthday. I spent most of today wandering around to find the perfect frame for it.

So, here is the finished product. I couldn't be happier.

"Hermann," 16X20
You'll have to forgive the photograph, I had a hard time getting a non-glare angle.

I know I said I couldn't be happier, but I suppose that's the problem. I can't decide if I could, IN FACT, be happier if I owed two more similar prints of his. I keep thinking about how great they would all look hung on the wall together... in our new house... that I should probably be saving the money for...


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