Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animator / Animation TD

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Flight School

The baby birds are getting huge. Friday, they kept thinking about getting up on the railing with mom, but never quite mustered up the bravery to go for it. Athena was playing hard to get. She would just sit there, ignoring them both until they got closer and closer to hopping up there with her. Finally, realizing that they were not quite ready, she jumped down and fed them.

Saturday, however, they were really stretching out those wings.
(Excuse the quality, youTube always destroys my videos.)

I kept waiting and waiting, knowing that their first trip to the rail and back surely meant they would be flying soon. Sometimes they would be almost completely vertical, peering at the world below them. They would stare, shift their weight, and then start shaking uncontrollably. Rinse and repeat. They always ended up back on the railing-- wondering if they could fly or if it was just a cruel joke.

Finally, the moment of truth. Richard yells, "Hira knocked Hiro down!" I run to the window. Hiro is safe. He's staring at us from the tree that towers over our balcony, shaking a bit, but looking quite proud of himself.

Sometimes it just takes a push and a shove to get us going in the right direction. Apparently, that is all Hira and Hiro needed, because when we got home last night - they were gone.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bird Blog?

Yeah, I've noticed that my blog seems to have entirely existed of bird pictures lately. I don't hear any complaining, so we are going to keep going with it...

Things seem to be getting a little crowded in the nest lately.

Gaaah, moooooom, you are EMBARRASSING ME!

I suppose the hardest thing for a mother is letting go, especially on your very first Mother's Day.

We are also noticing that there appears to be something extremely undesirable about the east side of the bird's nest. Granted, it always seemed a little more industrial (see packaging from our last garden attempt), but I hear the weather is nice...

All in all, these baby birds seem to be getting along pretty well for siblings. I've noticed that one always seems to be getting sat on, but I imagine that is pretty typical adolescent bird behavior.
Child dreams of sky diving, mom sits on child. Who can't relate to that?

Now, trying to get a family portrait with two newborns is tough. Hiro (on the right) kept facing the wrong direction, and it never failed that Mom was sitting on someone.

Hira (left) decides to show a little leg.
Don't even try to blame the photographer on this one. As you can see, Mom was right there and perfectly capable of controlling the situation.


Feeding Time In The 'Ol Bird's Nest

Another excellent picture taken by the hubby, who seems to have exclusive V.I.P access to The Bird's Nest.

One at a time-- sheesh!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Athena's Surprise

Richard came home from work yesterday to find that the mamma bird was out of her nest. And what did she leave behind? Not one baby bird, but two! That's right, she's been hiding another baby in there! I couldn't believe it. By the time I got home she had already returned and I couldn't really see them anymore. Thankfully, Richard got some pictures while she was out.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Birthday Bird

Yesterday we finally caught a glimpse of the elusive Father Bird. We were pretty sure they had been taking shifts guarding the nest, but since they both look so similar it was hard to be sure. I couldn't get a good picture because, as it turns out, he is quite the coward.

I tried to get closer but he just took off. I think it is easy to figure out who wears the brave bird pants in this family.

But, much more exciting news, today is my birthday! I had just woken up a bit ago and was sitting on the couch contemplating the ramifications of being yet another year older when Richard cheered "There is a baby bird!" The world rejoices, Baby Bird was born! And, on my birthday!

I was able to get a picture, which I assume is worth millions just like any other famous baby picture.

But just like any other famous mom, Athena Bird was quick to shield the baby from the paparazzi.

I imagine that she has plans of selling her own pictures and sending Baby Bird to college, where he will become a world famous professor of avionics.

Update: Got a slightly better look at the little bugger.