Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animator / Animation TD

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Birthday Bird

Yesterday we finally caught a glimpse of the elusive Father Bird. We were pretty sure they had been taking shifts guarding the nest, but since they both look so similar it was hard to be sure. I couldn't get a good picture because, as it turns out, he is quite the coward.

I tried to get closer but he just took off. I think it is easy to figure out who wears the brave bird pants in this family.

But, much more exciting news, today is my birthday! I had just woken up a bit ago and was sitting on the couch contemplating the ramifications of being yet another year older when Richard cheered "There is a baby bird!" The world rejoices, Baby Bird was born! And, on my birthday!

I was able to get a picture, which I assume is worth millions just like any other famous baby picture.

But just like any other famous mom, Athena Bird was quick to shield the baby from the paparazzi.

I imagine that she has plans of selling her own pictures and sending Baby Bird to college, where he will become a world famous professor of avionics.

Update: Got a slightly better look at the little bugger.


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