Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animator / Animation TD

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Athena: Brave Bird or The Bravest Bird?

I had every intention of introducing everyone to Athena bird earlier this week, but I got caught up in house drama and kept forgetting to post. So let's start at the beginning...

Friday afternoon I was out on our apartment balcony when I noticed the beginnings of a nest in one of our abandoned planters. Having a relatively small balcony, these nests are usually denied in their early stages to prevent our balcony from being rendered unusable. This day was, of course, no different; especially since we would be moving out soon and would have to take the planter with us. In one quick movement the nest was discarded and I walked away frowning. We hate to do it, but it has to be done.

The next morning I walked by the balcony and saw Bird sitting there. Right back in the planter where the nest had been. What are you doing, Bird? Didn't you notice you were evicted? I point out Bird to Richard, and then grab my camera to take some shots of our lovely visitor.

Bird is brave and doesn't budge while I take several pictures of her, but when our dog leaps off of the couch to see what is going on... Bird takes off. Tania gasps.

Nooooooo. Bird, what have you done!?

Well, Bird wins. We certainly can't do anything about it now. I am relieved to find that the Internet indicates the egg will take 2 weeks to hatch and 2 more weeks of nursing after that. That should be enough time for Bird to get her baby flying before we have to move. I hope. I also read that doves usually have 2 eggs, but Bird only had one. Now the odds are against her.

Well now that's she's practically living with us, I suppose she needs a name. Richard and I named her Athena Bird. But her friends just call her Bird.

Last night there was yet another huge storm, and the tree that is right behind Bird was waving around like it was about ready to snap in two. It was enough to keep me away from the window... but Athena Bird didn't budge. She sat right next to crazy tree all night long.

So I guess that brings us back to the question of the day:

Athena: Brave Bird or The Bravest Bird?


  • At 12:54 PM, Blogger -amber- said…

    That's the bravest Athena Bird I have ever seen. Not to mention really pretty!
    You try to get rid of your "dove" and I want to adopt one at the local Taco Bell over here- she's a pale gray with irridescent pink on her head. I want to take her home and give her a safe place to call her own. LOL, ok, that's enough.


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