Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animator / Animation TD

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Epic Fail

I am ashamed of how neglectful I have been with this blog lately. It has almost been six months since my last entry. I do not really have any excuse for it. Life has certainly been eventful those last six months, and there was plenty to write about. I kept thinking I would get back into things once Halloween came around, but then I managed to miss even that deadline.

So I guess first things first, Happy Belated Halloween:Alright, now that we've got that out of the way we can focus on catching up.

How have you been?

Me? Oh I've been fine. We closed on our house the end of May, and we've been working on projects here and there ever since. We are currently knee deep in home improvement projects, and finishing seems a million miles away. I don't mean it to sound ongoing, though, because for a couple of months we were mainly unpacking and organizing. Then being lazy. And now, back in the thick of it. I think the key is to do as much as you can before you actually move in. Once you can be comfortable and lazy... you will be.

We waited about a week before we moved into the house. We had planned on waiting longer but as the closing date got closer and closer, we both knew there was no way we would be in our apartment any longer than we had too. The first day we had the house we practically painted the entire interior. My parents and brother came over, we all suited up, and armed with rollers and brushes... attacked like there was no tomorrow. We finished all our goals and plus some in the period of about a day and a half. I could not believe we got so much done, and I will forever be in debt to them for all the many projects they helped us finish over the next few weeks.

I don't think you truly have any idea how much stuff you own until you are forced to put it all in boxes. We borrowed boxes. We bought boxes. I even found some free boxes on craigslist. After each acquisition we would say "Oh man, this is way more than we need." Then we would fill them up and the apartment would still look untouched. In the end, we had to unpack boxes just to take them back and pack more. Imagine how productive that feels! I honestly cannot fathom how we lived in a 980 sq ft apartment with enough furniture, belongings, and knick knacks to fill up an 1896 sq ft home. I kid you not, I am still trying to find places to put all of it.

But that's enough house talk for one post. No one wants to read 6 months of moving mumbo jumbo in one sit down. We will spread it out more. Enjoy it. Savor it. Bask in our accomplishments.


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