Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animator / Animation TD

Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy Leftover Turkey Day!

So I thought about posting on Thanksgiving, but I ate some deviled eggs instead. Now that, my friends, is true dedication.

I just wanted to say, "Hey, you! Happy Thanksgiving! Say hi to your mother for me."

Now that I finished that up... countdown to Christmas, right?

Whoa whoa whoa buddy. I've still got indigestion from the last excuse to eat myself sick.

Well you better snap out of it because I've already got my Christmas lights up and that super fresh Christmas tree is coming out of the box any minute now. Along with the many spiders who have probably been wondering how they managed to take a left at the cardboard wall and end up in Colorado. Don't worry spiders, cruel harsh reality is coming for you in the shape of a newspaper.

How did this happen, you are probably wondering. How did you, of all people, end up with your Christmas lights up this early? Well, hey, mister. Let's watch that attitude. I can do things. I can even do things in a timely manner. Like, take for example, this last weekend I watched my husband, who was feeling incredibly motivated by our first Christmas in a house, put up Christmas lights.

Okay, okay. I did, in fact, volunteer to stand dangerously high up on the ladder and stretch far beyond my reach to assist in the event. Yes, a rebel am I.

Perhaps this evening I will take a picture of the lights and share it. I have to admit, though, that snarky attitude of yours isn't increasing the odds. Not by one bit.


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